Useful links

We have set out below useful links relating to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (and their equivalents). Please note that we are not responsible for the content of external sites.

Procurement legislation

  • Public Contracts Regulations 2015
    These Regulations came into force on 26 February 2015 (bar a few exceptions) and implement in the UK the new Directive on Public Procurement (see below). From 18 April 2016 these regulations were amended by The Public Procurement (Amendments, Repeals and Revocations) Regulations 2016 (see above) - the link immediately above is to the latest (consolidated) version which includes the amendments.

  • Utilities Contracts Regulations 2016
    These Regulations replace the Utilities Contracts Regulations 2006 and are in force from 18 April 2016 in relation to procurements commenced on or after that date.

  • Concession Contracts Regulations 2016
    These Regulations are in force from 18 April 2016 in relation to procurements commenced on or after that date.

  • EU Directives on Public ProcurementUtilities Procurement and Concession Contracts
    Links to these three Directives, implemented by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, the Utilities Contracts Regulations 2016 and the Concession Contracts Regulations 2016 (see above).

  • Directive 2004/18/EC
    The "old" procurement Directive, also known as the Classic Directive (replaced from 17 April 2014 by the new Directive 2014/24/EU on Public Procurement, see above for link).


  • The Public Contracts Regulations 2006 
    The legislation implementing Directive 2004/18 in England and Wales (replaced on 26 February 2015 by The Public Contracts Regulations 2015; see above). Procurements "commenced" prior to 26 February 2015 will still be regulated by the Public Contracts Regulations 2006.

  • Directive 2004/17/EC
    The "old" Utilities Directive, governing procurement in the utilities sector (replaced from 17 April 2014 by the new Directive 2014/25/EU on utilities procurement, see above for link).

  • The Utilities Regulations 2006
    The legislation implementing the "old" Utilities Directive in England and Wales (to be replaced by the Utilities Contracts Regulations  2016 from 18 April 2016).

  • Directive 2007/66/ECDirective 89/665/EEC and Directive 92/13/EEC
    The Remedies Directive (which amended Directive 89/665/EEC (public contracts) and Directive 92/13/EEC (utilities procurement).

Find a Tender Service / Contracts Finder 

  • Find a Tender Service
    UK -based service which has replaced the OJEU.

  • Contracts Finder 
    The Contracts Finder portal for advertising tendering opportunities and publishing tender documentation and contracts (in accordance with Part 4 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015)

Model contracts

Procurement organisations

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